Is there an intergenerational difference in the perception of tourist guide service quality?
Tourist Guide, Generations, Service QualityAbstract
The perceived service quality offered by tourist guides is regarded as a significant determinant in travelers' overall satisfaction with their tour experience. The objective of this study is to ascertain the variations in the opinion of service quality among tourists from different generations with regards to tourist guides. The qualitative research method of interview technique was employed within the parameters of this study. The data for this study were obtained from a sample of 30 participants who engaged in guided tours. These individuals belonged to the X, Y, and Z generations, and their responses were gathered through semi-structured interviews. The study's demographic comprises travelers belonging to Generations X, Y, and Z who have actively engaged in guided tour experiences. The study employed stratified purposive sampling as its sampling technique. The data were subjected to analysis using the MAXQDA 2022 software. Based on the findings of the investigation, it was determined that there exist variations in the perception of tourist guide services across different generations.
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