Environmental, social and economic dilemmas of outdoor recreation and tourism: A conceptual research





Outdoor Recreation, Camping Tourism, Environmental Sustainability, Public Space Management


Tourism activities encompass a wide range of experiences. Industrialized tourism in our country is clustered in specific locations with hotels, restaurants and entertainment areas and is planned in the same way as industrial areas. Facilities and regulations are part of tourism development. On the other hand, tourism also manifests itself in open spaces and nature. Camping activities, caravan tourism activities, nature walks can be counted among common recreational activities. Unlike established tourism activities, such outdoor recreational activities are relatively unregulated by the legislator and have a high degree of mobility. While they bring the economic effects of tourism to areas where there is no facility, they also bring environmental, social and managerial impacts. At this point, such open space recreations, which can be spread over large areas, provide economic benefits throughout the country, while also presenting environmental and social dilemmas as a problem. This conceptual discussion aims to draw on the existing literature and research to identify the problems associated with open space activities and to provide implications for policy makers and tourists.


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Author Biographies

Ayten Özçelik, Doğuş University

Ayten Özçelik:

She holds a Master's degree in Tourism Management and is currently pursuing her PhD in Tourism Management at Istanbul University. She also holds a diploma in Cookery. In addition to her academic identity, she has also gained experience in the field of cooking in various businesses. She is currently working as a lecturer at Doğuş University Cookery Program. Ayten Özçelik has published articles in national journals, written book chapters and presented papers at national conferences.

Her research interests include tourism behavior, local cuisine, sustainable tourism and gastronomy.


Orcid Id: 0000-0002-9646-8286 

Email: ayten.evcil@ogr.iu.edu.tr

İlker Gül, Independent Resercher

He completed his undergraduate degree in Tourism Management and Hotel Management at Düzce University, Akçakoca School of Tourism Management and Hotel Management and then received his master's degree in Tourism Management at Istanbul University. She is currently working on her PhD thesis in Tourism Management at Anadolu University. She also completed an associate degree program in Cookery at Anadolu University. She is a fourth year student at Istanbul University, Department of History and a third year student at Atatürk University, Department of Sociology.

Her research interests include culture, tourism behavior, nature-based tourism, sharing economy and tourism education.


Orcid Id: 0000-0002- 8042-5070 

Email: ilker_gul@anadolu.edu.tr


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How to Cite

Özçelik, A., & Gül, İlker. (2024). Environmental, social and economic dilemmas of outdoor recreation and tourism: A conceptual research. Tourist Destination, 2(1), 35–42. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14253819



Theoretical paper