Navigating tourist preferences: The role of cognitive shortcuts in destination choice
Cognitive Shortcuts, Tourist Destination Choice, Destination Image, Consumer Behavior, Destination Management Organizations (DMOs)Abstract
Theoretical research explores the intricate process of tourist destination selection, focusing on cognitive psychology and cognitive shortcuts. These cognitive shortcuts, which simplify decision-making, are studied in the context of visitor choices. Drawing from cognitive psychology, consumer behavior, and tourism studies, the study comprehensively examines cognitive heuristics, how they relate to perception, motivation, trust, and preferences. Influential factors include destination image, marketing, risk perception, and culture. The study not only enhances understanding but also offers practical insights for Destination Management Organizations. Strategies include shaping destination image, addressing travel risks, and reducing choice overload. In essence, this research illuminates the cognitive shortcuts shaping tourist preferences and provides guidance for adapting to the evolving travel landscape.
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