The effect of food and beverages served in accommodation businesses on destination attractiveness


  • Gökhan Onat



Accommodation Enterprises, Food and Beverage, Destination Attractiveness


Food and beverage services offered in accommodation establishments are one of the most important elements of the tourism experience. Local cuisine experiences are becoming more and more prominent among tourists' motivations for choosing destinations. Increasing the attractiveness of destinations and ensuring the satisfaction of tourists is directly related to authentic and quality gastronomy services. Food and beverages are considered to be not only a means of consumption but also an important tool for cultural identity and brand value of destinations. In this context, local gastronomy elements offered to tourists can positively affect the overall image of the destination and visitor loyalty. In this study, the effects of food and beverages offered in accommodation establishments on destination attractiveness are examined in the light of the research in the literature. A total of 15 studies were evaluated using content analysis method and the effects of these services on tourist satisfaction, behavioral intentions and destination preferences were revealed. The findings show that quality and authentic gastronomy services have the power to differentiate destinations and this positively affects tourists' destination preferences. In addition, factors such as the way food is presented, its visuality and the atmosphere of the environment in which it is presented are also found to strengthen tourist satisfaction. However, it was emphasized that low quality services may lead to tourist dissatisfaction and damage the image of the destination. With these aspects, gastronomy tourism is considered as a powerful strategic tool in destination marketing.


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How to Cite

Onat, G. (2024). The effect of food and beverages served in accommodation businesses on destination attractiveness. Tourist Destination, 2(2), 27–38.



Review Paper